Events Calendar

           AAUW-Dearborn Affiliate          Calendar of Events 2025-2026

JOIN US!     Visit US!

Have questions or concerns regarding events ?

Contact Program Co-VPs by phone or text

Sarah LeBrell 313 806 4176 or Deb McBain 313 673 5501

BOARD MEETINGS                                                                                                           

AAUW-Dearborn 2025-26 Monthly Board  Meetings ( September-June) will be held at 7:00 pm on first Tuesdays of every month at the Dearborn Historical Museum/ McFadden Ross House located at 915 S. Brady Street, Dearborn 48124. All members are invited to attend. Agendas will be forwarded before each meeting.

MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS/PROGRAMS                                                                                Monthly Membership Meetings /Programs (September-May) are held at the Dearborn Historical Museum/McFadden Ross House (same location as above) on the dates and times listed below. Members, their guests, and the public are welcome to attend, unless other- wise noted. See calendar descriptions for more details.

PARTICIPATE!                                                                                                          Members are encouraged to attend all scheduled branch activities and programs.      You may always invite a friend to be a guest and to come with you and learn more about our mission, commitment, camaraderie, and connections.                        Members in need of transportation to programs or events should contact  Membership VP Mary R. Nameth at 313 378 2132 by phone or text.

EVENT CALENDAR- more updates to follow

December 14, 2024   Meeting/ Program/ Luncheon/Musical Entertainment                     Holiday Luncheon 11:00 am-@3:00 pm at Park Place                                                                         Mistletoe Mart Fundraiser and much more

January 11, 2025       Required Annual Meeting at 3:00 pm                                                         (members only/quorum necessary)                                                                                                  Affiliate Announcements, vote on revised By Laws, Election of Officers 2025-27,               Program:Pronouns,Light Refreshments                                                                         

February 8, 2025      Cabin Fever Fun at 10:30 am.  Public Welcome                                    Hawaiian Holiday with Uklele Group, 50/50, EW Sales,Light Refreshments

March 8, 2025            Celebrating Women’s History Month at 10:30 am.         

April 26, 2025             Fellowship Luncheon   Details to follow

May 21, 2025              Installation of New Officers  Details to follow 


AAUW-Dearborn Meet and Greets 

  • A casual gathering at local venues from 4:00-@ 6:00 pm to chat and get acquainted the last Friday of most months  
  • Open to all members, guests, and those who want to learn more about us
  • Choice of menu,open seating, separate bills, and lots of laughs! 
  • Contact Membership VP Mary R. Nameth to RSVP 5 days by phone or text 313 378 2132 for specific details or see our FB page                               
