Membership Application

Copy and Paste the following into your browser

**Welcome to the American Association of University Women-Dearborn!

  • If you are joining and paying by mail with a check: make the check payable to AAUW-Dearborn and send it with this completed form to: AAUW-Dearborn, P.O. Box 2498 Dearborn, Mi. 48123-2498.
  • If joining online, register at You may pay directly by credit card or send a check as directed within ten days to the P.O. BOX above.



City_________________________ State__________ Zip code_____________________

Contact phone (______)_______________________ Email_______________________

Recruited by____________________________________________

Occupation(s)______________________________________Employed____ Retired_____

College or Universities Degree(s)_______________________________________________

Degree Field_____________________________________ Date Conferred______________

Branch Membership Category: Dues are 100% tax deductible.

___ $104.00  Affiliate Branch Member or Community Associate Member 

___ $17.00    In State  Dual member (Local Affiliate and another in state affiliate)

___ $32.00    Out of State Deal Member (Local and another Out of State Affiliate)

___ $0.00      Honorary Life Member

___ $17,00    Student branch member (AAUW Affiliate Member)

___ $18.81    Student national dues (Non AAUW Affiliate institution)

___ $68,00    New Member Event Discount- 1st year fee only 

Printed LEGACY Newsletter ____$10

Donations(optional): $______Marge Powell Leadership Award, Higher Education Fund, AAUW Education Fund 

Total: Annual Dues and Donation Payment (one check) $_________

Areas of Interest: Check area of interest(s) to be contacted for more information. You may attend one meeting as a guest before officially joining.

____Book Sale Team//Online Sales ____Publicity/PR ____Epicureans

____Book Clubs____Global Studies ____Bridge ____Film Critics____Nature Walks ____Art Appreciation____New Member Events  

       Other interests:___________________ 

For questions or more membership information, please contact:

AAUW-D Treasurer Jan Frank at or (home) 313 563 2644


Treasurer Only: Dues Check#__________ Date rec’d__________ Amt.__________

Donation(s) for________________________ Amt._________

V1 – 2024/5**


The American Association of University Women – Dearborn

Membership Information 2025

 Empowering Women for 92 years

The American Association of University Women-Dearborn has advocated for human rights, specifically issues related to women and girls since 1933. We are a non-partisan 501-c3 non-profit.  We invite you to join us as we promote equity issues through education, research, and advocacy.  The advancement of social justice depends on all of us. 

Membership categories are inclusive of any educational level, gender/sexual identity, religion, race, and ethnicity. Regular membership in AAUW requires a 2- or 4-year college degree. Community Associate and Student Memberships are available for all interested in our mission. 

    • Affiliate Branch dues and Community Associate dues are now $104.
    • Dual Members who belong to another MI Affiliate dues are $17; out of state $32.
    • Paid Life Member dues are $32.
    • Honorary Life Members owe no dues.
    • College/University Representative dues are $17.
    • Student attending an AAUW College/University Member dues are $17.
    • Student attending a non AAUW College/University Member dues are $37.81.
    • Shape the Future New Member or Lapsed Member dues are $68 (first year only).

    Members receive a monthly email newsletter called LEGACY. It includes news and updated meeting details. Other information is disseminated through emails as needed.         Members are invited to attend meetings and events as often as their schedules allow. Membership meetings and events are generally planned monthly in and near Dearborn, September through June.

    You are welcomed to participate Study &Interest Groups (see application). These are held on various days, times, and locations around Dearborn.                                                  Members receive an annual directory which includes a list of members and their contact information, events, general information, Affiliate contacts, and mission details.We accept new members at any time. If joining at a  meeting or public event, new members receive a discount rate of $68 for the first year of membership,                                                        Additional donations to any of our programs are welcomed at any time, including Educational Fund, AAUW – D Needs and the Marge Powell Leadership Award.

Our members are encouraged to participate in our programs with local school and college students, community-based fundraisers, and monthly mission-based meeting/programs. 

We contribute annually to several educational programs through the Dearborn Public Schools. We provide support and community outreach to mission-related organizations including Henry Ford College, and the University of Michigan-Dearborn. In addition to the satisfaction of community service our members enjoy the camaraderie of getting involved in social interest groups and community outreach programs.

Contacts:   President Joan Reed                          313 -673-4207

VP Membership, Mary Nameth                                   313- 378-2132


Commitment – Camaraderie – Community – Connection

Let your voice be heard through AAUW-Dearborn!

    Check us out on Facebook or on our website